Monday, April 23, 2012

Thank you President Johnson ...

I am very thankful for Medicare.  If it weren't for Medicare I would not be receiving medical treatment for my cancer.  If I had my way, everyone in America would be eligible for Medicare.  

My son has health insurance through his employer.  He has an insane 5000 dollar deductible.  Does anyone know what that means?  It means that each paycheck he's paying to the health insurance industry a premium on insurance that he will never be able to use.  

Think about that 5000 dollar deductible.  Sadly, it's a legal scam.  It is designed to make money for the industry but it's not affordable to provide the simplest or preventative health care to keep him healthy.

Anyway, I am thankful for my coverage, & wish others were able to have it , as well.  

My cancer drug that I take daily for life - retails at 458.99 for a 30 tablet supply.  I paid $9.00.  Other medications are similar, but just not as expensive.  One retails at 204.77, but again, I paid $9.00. 

Thanks to President Obama and the Affordable Care Act, I won't fall into that doughnut hole trap - which would jeopardize my health, because there is absolutely no way I could afford even a partial months supply on my own.

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