Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hot Flashes ...

Where to start?   My last post I was looking forward to my Oncologist appointment because I wanted the doc to agree that my baseball size tumor was shrinking.

But first things first, since beginning my cancer medication (9/27), I've been having a lot of very hot hot flashes.   And, boy, they are sizzling hot.  When I told the doc, she clapped her hands, and with a big smile told me that it means it is working!  YAY!

Anyway, about the shrinking tumor.  The doc reminded me that I had a good deal of swelling from the biopsy when she initially measured it, so while it does seem to be shrinking, she can't confirm it.  I haven't noticed any major shrinking since that last appointment.

The cancer has not spread into my bones, but osteoporosis did appear on the Bone Density test.  That explains why I'm nearly a full 2 inches shorter & why the kitchen cabinets are built higher than they use to be.

Since that last appointment I've had a dildo looking Endo-vaginal Ultrasound.  Oh, boy, that  was a dignity teaser.   It all looked good, but since I've been having post-menopausal bleeding, my Oncologist wants a consult with a GYN.   

Well, it's about 5:30  in the morning, and I ought to be in bed.   There's more to write about, I suppose, but this is it for now.

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