One would think this unusual & delightfully warm & sunny weather we're experiencing here in Northern Michigan would put a smile on my face & a spring in my step. But it's only making me miserable.
Mid-80 degree temperatures just don't mix with my anti-cancer drug. In the dead of winter, I had a 2 inch crack in my window & the heat registered closed. Doing this, I was able to withstand the hot flashes that come from this drug. They're not even normal hot flashes, either.
I remember during menopause they were pretty bad & even embarrassing for me at work, but these hot flashes today - well, I told the kids today that if they could see it, they'd see heat waves similar to a road mirage on hot sunny day shooting out from all around my head.
I'm experiencing one right now. In this heat, it makes me sick to my stomach. Nausea in waves & vomiting at times, too.
This drug is causing me tremendous pain. The last time I saw the oncologist I said it's like someone has poured cement into some of my joints. I can't raise my left arm. The right arm has it's problems, too. Now my hands, I think it's the carpal bone, I'm not sure. The pain is deep in the bone. It doesn't really bother me until I try to use it, especially when I use my hands to brace myself to rise from a chair or bed. The pain is so sharp & deep that I really can't use it. The worse is the left hand.
How are you suppose to raise an old body out of a chair without your hands?
Now, I guess anyone reading this can understand at least one of the reasons I've not documented my 'adventure'. Who wants to hear someone complain?
There's more to write, but it hurts to type, so I'll end this. I just want to say one more thing. Today, I'm going in for a scan to see how the baseball-size breast tumor, and lung nodules are doing. Are they shrinking? Have the nodules gone away or have they grown or traveled further? I've been on the cancer drug for about 6 months, so I guess I'll find out, although I don't see my oncologist until April 2nd.
Wish it would snow .... btw, this is March 3, 2012 - just 18 days ago!
and I wish my doctor would prescribe this:
Oh, boy, would I like that drug! :)
That drug sounds ghastly!
It's much cooler (here) this week; I hope you are getting some relief.
Good gosh! Complain all you want if it helps you feel better. Where can you do it, if not here on your own blog. People can read, or not read, as they wish.
I am sending good vibes to you tonight, along with the warmest of virtual hugs.
As always, Denise, you are in my thoughts - the ordeal you are going through sounds so difficult and you handle it with such grace. Complain away - and know how much your friends and family care for, and about, you. Update your blog only when you are able - but do know that we all are anxious to know how you are doing.
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