Thursday, November 10, 2011

Snowflakes ...

Big fat snowflakes falling beautifully and melting as soon as they hit the ground.  

Happy and sad.

Or depending on how one might look at it, like, say, next March, it might be sad and happy.

But for now, I'm happy to see it!  

Oh, wow, is it ever coming down!


Craig said...

Thanks for the lovely image. snow can be so peaceful, clean, soft - magical. How much did you get, Denise?

here's wishing you a nice weekend...


Denise said...

That was the sad part, Craig.

Those big beautiful flakes melted as soon as they hit the ground.

Happy they came, sorry they melted.

It's always exciting to see the first flakes, & even more exciting when everything turns white for the first time.

After Christmas, it gets old real fast! LOL